On May 3 at the “Krakus” Senior Center there was a special concert on the occasion of major holidays, Polonia and Poles Abroad Day, Polish Flag Day, Constitution of May 3rd and the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland. The “Krakus” choir under the direction of Kasia Drucker Voice performed in beautiful outfits, and the ladies in beautiful wreaths on their heads. The host of the concert was Waldemar Ostrowski. Beautiful patriotic poems were recited by Mr. Tadeusz Nowak, “Joyful Day” and Grażyna Ostrowska, “The Oath”. A great surprise was the return to the choir of Mrs. Wanda Wójcik, who also presented the poem “May 3rd”.
It was very touching and moving performance. At the beginning the choir beautifully sang the “Polish Anthem” together with the audience, and then songs on the occasion of each holiday. They finished the concert with the beautiful song ” For long you’ve been Poland’s Queen, Mary!”
Text: Katarzyna Drucker