Seniorada 2024 at Krakus Senior Center PSC
On Thursday, October 24, the Krakus Senior Center PSC at The Polish & Slavic Center (PSC) hosted Senioriada 2024 – a special celebration for our senior community! The event drew a large crowd, with attendees enjoying a beautiful performance by the Krakus Choir, led by Kasia Drucker Voice, who filled the room with joy and shared singing.
During the celebration, we also had the honor of naming the Friendliest Seniors of the Year – with titles awarded to Ola Watras and Piotr Koczulap, along with a special recognition for Barbara Ciura. A touching moment in the program was the acknowledgment of the many seniors who regularly support our Center with their dedication and commitment.
To close the event, Ms. Kasia Drucker shared a special story from a recent Maryla Rodowicz concert, where the iconic singer dedicated and signed an album just for our seniors! This heartfelt gesture moved everyone present, who then joyfully sang “Wsiąść do pociągu byle jakiego…” as a tribute to Ms. Rodowicz.
We thank everyone for joining us and celebrating this wonderful day together!