“Nativity Play” and Joint Christmas Carol Singing at Krakus Senior Center (PSC)

“Nativity Play” and Joint Christmas Carol Singing at Krakus Senior Center (PSC)

O! The time has come for all of us And we celebrate the Holidays

In the winter time, everyone knows that for Christ taken

So let us hum the carols and let us all rejoice,

That Christ the Lord, Our Savior is, for him let us sing carols

God was born Our Savior is an incomprehensible moment

And humanity today celebrates the time, Christ’s Great Holidays


So on December 19, just before Christmas Eve, we started caroling together during the annual “Nativity Play” – stories about the Nativity of the Lord on the stage of the “Krakus” Senior Center..

A great surprise for the audience was the new beautiful three-dimensional scenography, which immediately introduced the Christmas mood. On the stage appeared an 18-foot long panorama of Bethlehem from the time of Christ under the starry sky with that one beautiful Bethlehem Star. The new Bethlehem Nativity scene with a straw roof and radiant light over the baby Jesus, the door to the inn, Herod’s throne and the fire that warmed the shepherds with flames and around it gifts for Jesus.

When the lights went out, apart from one on the stage where the voices of the “Krakus” choir resounded singing a beautiful pastoral, all the viewers were transported to Bethlehem over 2000 years ago.

The whole story was told to us by the Chronicler from the Far East – Grażyna Ostrowska, who wrote down this Story of the Nativity of the Lord in an ancient book. Mary – Jadwiga Szałyga and Joseph – Krzysztof Zieliński, who were expelled from the inn by the Host – Krystyna Krudysz, sat at the manger in the shed. Angel with a beautiful halo – Anna Kucay from heaven to shepherds great news “In the Silence of the Night” revealed with his voice “Arise, Shepherds, God is born for you” and led them with gifts to the manger in Bethlehem. There was Kuba with a gray beard – Janina Radziejowska, Szymek – Halina Jaworska, Red-bearded Jasio – Małgorzata Posłuszna, Staszek – Genowefa Równicka, Antek – Jania Radziejowska, Franek gray-haired – Marianna Prusaczyk and Filip – Mieczysława Jaksik.

The Wise Men of the World Monarchs in richly gilded and costly robes, following the rays of the Bethlehem Star, which led them to the cradle of Christ, and guided by an Angel so that they would not stray, also brought gifts, King Melchior – Alojzy Jaksik gold, King Balthazar – Stanisław Kulczycki frankincense and King Kacper – Stanisław Piekut myrrh. The plots and conspiracies of King Herod – Tadeusz Nowak, who was looking for the life of the child, were of no use. They failed to convince the kings to betray the place of birth of Jesus, because an Angel from heaven warned them that they had to return by another way. The murder of the Bethlehem children with the sword of the Soldier – Waldemar Ostrowski did not help. For this, Herod was punished. Death – Jadwiga Biedrzycka beheaded him and for these scams and excesses the Devil – Wojciech Żebrowski chased him to hell with a pitchfork. Good triumphed over evil. The light of hope and holy peace was born and maybe the world will become a little better because of it.

Everything happened in a musical setting and with the accompaniment of Ola Watras as well as with the singing of the audience, who tensely experienced the fate of the Holy Family and took an active part in the entire performance. Of course, traditionally, the “Nativity play” performed by the “Krakus” choir ended with a procession of carol singers among the audience, with a beautiful rotating Bethlehem Star made by Berta and Krzysztof Zieliński. Thanks are also due to Mrs. Stanisława Krzyś, and Krystyna Krudysz for preparing the costumes and props, to Mr. Waldemar Ostrowski, Krzysztof Zieliński and Tadeusz Nowak for preparing the decorations on the stage. Artur Pustula supervised the sound.

After the procession, the executive director of PSC, Agnieszka Granatowska, took the floor and welcomed the members of the Board of Directors: President Paweł Pachacz, Mrs. Bożena Konkiel, the parish priest of St. Stanisław Kostka Grzegorz Markulak and Fr. Józef Szpilski. She thanked the seniors for their incredible performance, and truly Broadway-like acting. She also thanked my humble person, Kasia Drucker, for directing and preparing the choir and actors, the director Artur Pustula, Agata Forys, coordinator Ula Galej, the ladies from the kitchen and all the employees of PSC and volunteers from the Krakus Club for the work they put in every day to make our seniors feel like they are at home.

However, the “Nativity play” was not the end of the carol singing at the “Krakus” Senior Center. The president of the Polish and Slavic Center, Pawel Pachacz, unexpectedly appeared on the stage and played three carols on the trumpet so beautifully that all the choir members joined him. If anyone thinks that this is the end of surprises, they are very wrong. Another unexpected guest and envoy with the message of the birth of the Lord on the stage was parish priest Grzegorz Markulak, who played the guitar and sang more carols. And the true Magic of Polish Christmas reigned, and everyone on the stage and the audience united into one big family, which praised the birth of Jesus in the manger.

In this magical Christmas atmosphere, all worries dissipated, cares and sorrows were banished into nothingness, and in the light of the Bethlehem Star, the assurance of hope and joy shone. This assurance was also brought to us by the joint prayer led by Father Grzegorz and the blessing of the traditional Christmas Eve Wafer. We all exchanged wishes for a Merry Christmas, and then sat down to a symbolic Christmas Eve Dinner.

Today, when the stage lights went out and the audience, who, delighted with the performance, gave us a warm standing ovation and shouts of “Bravo!” like on “Broadway”, disappeared, a glimmer of fulfillment and tears of emotion remained in our hearts. Both in our actors, who worked very hard in rehearsals and gave it their all that day to present the beautiful story of Jesus’ birth in the most authentic way, and in my eyes and heart, as the choir conductor and director, a tear of pride welled up in my actors – choristers, that despite their age and enormous effort, they played so brilliantly and embodied their roles, that their words flowed straight from the heart and not from a learned role, that they became characters and heroes of the story of the Nativity of the Lord.

I wish everyone the angelic light of peace and love, may it wing your thoughts, brighten your hearts and open the door to happiness this Christmas and New Year.

Healthy and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Author: Kasia Drucker

Photos: Zosia Żeleska- Bobrowski