If you would like to follow the process and entire performance of the Puppet Theater [...]
On September 21at 12.30 pm the John Paul 2 Friendship Center in Manhattan there will [...]
On Friday, September 15, the Deputy Marshall of the Seyjm of Poland took place at [...]
September 1 John Paul 2 Friendship had a special meeting with Historian of Art- Professor [...]
September 1, 12.30 We gonna have meeting with Professor of Art: Piotr Majewski from Poland. [...]
August 23rd John Paul 2 Friendship Center had a trip with pizza to the Cooper [...]
21 August we celebrated the day with poetry of Jan Brzechwa who was born 125 [...]
August 21 we celebrate 125 Birthday of renown Polish poet Jan Bzechwa. Welcome. [...]
15th of August the JP2 Friendship Center had a marvelous trip to the Botanical Gardens [...]
“The East Villagers” participated on the Regional Talent is Timeless Competition at the Weinberg Center: [...]
Upcoming another stage of eliminations. Please keep fingers crossed for our Dance Group: “The East [...]
August 3 John Paul 2 Friendship Center visited the Merchant’s House Museum.Considered one of the [...]
July 27, at 12.30 pm acclaimed violinist and founder of the Salon Seance – Mari [...]
John Paul 2 Friendship Center participated in the workshop with La Mama theater May-June and [...]
Tai-Chi Class accomplished for this season. Thank you Leslie Fields for your coaching and all [...]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8viDQYsb60g [...]
Marek Polański was born in 1986 in Kraków into a family of academicians. He started [...]
John Paul 2 Friendship Center just begun collaboration with the LA MAMA Theater with the [...]
March 15 JP2 Friendship Center visited the Ukrainian Museum. The members were able to see [...]